3 Myths About Online Courses 

Let's play a little game of True or False when it comes to online courses.

TRUE: Anyone can build and launch an online course today.

FALSE: Everyone who launches an online course will make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

So what is the difference maker between just launching and actually making good money with online courses?

Turns out there a FEW difference makers and today I want to share them with you. I want to unpack the 3 biggest online course myths I see floating around on the Internet so you can avoid them and get to making money!


There's just 48 hours left to register for my free live training event "How To Launch Your First $1000 Online Course" that's happening this Thursday, October 15th. This is a 3+ hour online workshop that you don't want to miss.

Click here to reserve your free spot.

See you there!

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