Hard Sell Emails vs Soft Sell Emails: Which Is Best?

Email marketing is still the best way to sell your digital products and grow your online business, but when it comes to writing promo emails and sending them to our email list most of us get stressed out.

We don't want to feel pushy or "salesy", and yet we still need the emails to work! (i.e. sell)

Did you know that you could sum up all promo emails into two categories? The hard sell and the soft sell. But which one is best for your business?

That's what I want to discuss in today's episode, including:

  • When exactly in your promo to use hard sell and soft sell emails.

  • How to write marketing emails that feel genuine and non-pushy.

  • A simple "test" to know whether your email is going to be effective or not before you send it.

Don't forget to grab my FREE guide!

5 Day Product Pitch Email Funnel

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