How I Took 6 Weeks Off In Europe While My Business Continued To Grow

The best type of business is one that can run almost without your involvement whatsoever.

Some call it passive income.

I prefer to call it automatic income, because once you put in the work up front, income hits your bank account automatically with little fuss.

I recently returned home from a refreshing 6 week vacation in Europe with my family (spending time in France, England, and Spain) where I only had to crack open my laptop for a couple of hours each week.

And the best part?  My business continued to grow, to the point that I actually made more money than I spent on the trip.

Automatic income is what made this all doable and today I want to share with you a case study of what is possible when you build your business this way.

My aim is not to brag, rather it is to encourage and inspire you to keep building your business so that you can experience the freedom to live the life you want to live.


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