Think Like the Worlds Most Successful People w/ Polina Pompliano

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Your brain is A LOT more powerful than you realize. The problem is that most people don’t believe it. Or rather, they fail to understand how to unlock their hidden potential. And the sad thing is, failing to do so leads many to leave this Earth with their potential unrealized.

But for those of us who understand how to properly leverage our genius, the world becomes full of possibilities. We’re able to create the life and do things that few people experience. This alone makes uncovering your hidden genius a worthwhile pursuit.

That’s why I decided to bring Polina Pompliano on today’s episode. Polina is the creator of an amazing newsletter called The Profile. In it, she unpacks exactly how the world's most successful people achieve the unimaginable. And in today’s episode, she’ll show you exactly how to unlock your hidden genius.

So if you want to learn how to think like your heroes, and unlock your dormant potential, make sure to pay close attention to what Polina shares in this conversation. I’m sure you’ll have a few breakthroughs that will help you tackle your goals like never before.

In this episode you’ll also learn:

  • How Polina was able to transform her weaknesses into strengths.
  • How Polina’s new book will help you 10x your results.
  • Why you can make a business out of anything.
  • And much, much more.



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