3 Rules for Writing Email Subject Lines That Get Opened | 111

If you want your online business to grow you need people to actually open your emails and click on your stuff. Brilliant insight, I know.

But here's the thing, too many people spend all their effort crafting a (hopefully) powerful email that converts only to whip up a subject line at the last minute with little to thought or careful consideration.

What you end up with is email subject lines like this one: "Better Body Bootcamp Announcement 1"

Whaaaaaaa??!! 😱

Yeah, that was an actual subject line I saw (product name has been changed).

Would you open that email?! At best it's a "maybe". And that my friend isn't good enough.

Today I want to share with you 3 rules for writing email subject lines that actually get people to want to open your emails. In this episode I reveal:

  • The two core types of email subject lines that work every time

  • What tone of subject line that will separate you from every other person promoting in people's inbox

  • How to promote your products without having to "promote" your products

Here's to writing better subject lines that actually make people click!