3 Things I'm Quitting Next Year | 137

When you're trying to run and grow your online business, oftentimes we're in the process of adding things. We're constantly adding new products, new strategies, collaborations, and new moving parts to our businesses, while also wanting to incorporate new routines, books, and side projects to realize the visions we have for our lives and businesses.

With the new year waiting around the corner, I think a lot of business owners feel drawn to the adding mentality because it is so heavily associated with newness. But today I want to turn things upside down. I believe it is equally important to take things out, to stop doing the things that aren't contributing to your life and business.

We don't have to add things all the time, in fact, I think we probably add more things to our lives than we have margin for. If you want to add clarity, a sense of calm, mental bandwidth, and intentionality to your life and business - then this episode is for you. Here are 3 things I'm quitting next year.

In this episode youā€™ll learn:

  • Why adding more to your life and business could actually be hurting your progress
  • The three things I'm going to quit to bring more clarity and intentionality to my life and business
  • Why small adjustments are the most powerful for your business and how you can stay in your comfort zone while still achieving massive change in 2022 

Hope you enjoy!