How To Create Your First Online Product | 152
If you've followed along the last couple of weeks, we've talked about how to find your most profitable idea, how to grow your audience and how to capitalize on that audience to be able to sell a product online.
And now we come to one of the core components of online business: your online product. What do you actually sell? How do you actually make money online? And what should your product look like?
All those questions and more - will be answered in today's podcast!
There are many ways to monetize your audience online and it all comes back to how you want to run your business. Today I'm going to share the most profitable ways you can monetize your audience as well as give an extra push for online courses, since they are the backbone of my two seven figure businesses.
In this episode you'll learn:
- All the different ways you can monetize an audience, including some counter intuitive ways that you don't want to miss!
- Why online courses are so powerful to grow an income online and the must have components of an online course
- Why many business owners struggle to make an income online and how you can make sure that doesn't happen to you!
Hope you enjoy!
- Graham