The BIGGEST Money Mistakes Business Owners Are Making | 175
As far as I know, there are only three things that every human being on planet earth has to interact with on a regular basis, or at least at some point in their life.
Number one: other people, number two: your own health and number three: money.
Money is one of those pervasive topics that we all have to deal with and especially business owners. And here's the problem. If you are applying everything that I'm teaching here, week in and week out and doing it, you will build wealth. You will make more income. You will have more money to manage, and that won't help you, if you don't know what to do with that money.
Now I've covered a lot of the what to do's before, but today I want to cover the five biggest money mistakes that I see business owners making. Let's unpack these mistakes, not to shame you, but to just clean up a little bit of a mess so that you can have a healthier financial base so that you can actually go out and live that life you wanna live and enjoy the money that you have.
In this episode you'll learn:
- What mindset shift you need to make in order to see financial wealth long term
- Why these 5 mistakes will cripple your wealth growth and always have you working up hill
- How you can make tiny adjustments to your money management that will set you up for wealth building big time
Hope you enjoy!
- Graham