5 Simple Questions That Will Improve Your Business Next Year | 187
This is the last episode of the Graham Cochrane Show for the year 2022, and so naturally I’m in a sort of ”end of the year" headspace. What I like to do at the end of the year is look back at the previous year, ask a few important questions, and look ahead to the next year, as most people do. But that kind of endeavour all boils down to which questions you ask.
What I want to give you today are a set of five foundational questions to help you reflect on the past year. Five questions to end your year well, and to start your new year in the best way possible. This is a great time to reset your business and think about what you've done and accomplished, where your head's been at and what's coming up next.
Depending on how you answer these questions might tell you a little bit less about how this year went and more about what you want to do or should be doing in the year ahead.The whole purpose of these five simple questions is to get you to see what really matters when it comes to your business. You can go through these questions in less than an hour, but I want you to ask them, I want you to answer them, and then I want you to take the right course of action - for yourself and for your business.
In this episode you'll learn:
- Why it's so important to reflect on past events
- How to figure out how you can move forward in your business
- What has been holding you back this year, and how to remedy that for the coming year
Hope you enjoy!
- Graham