TEDx Speaker Tips to Make Your Content Irresistible

Have you ever wondered how word-class speakers got so good? I certainly used to. And considering that last year I gave my first TedX talk (that you can watch on the TedX YouTube channel), I spent a long time learning the secrets of the best speakers. One of the most important lessons I learned during this time was that the techniques that work well on stage also work for all types of content. Whether you’re writing an email, doing a webinar, or making a TikTok video, these public speaking tips will take your content to the next level. In this podcast episode, I’ll share the top 3 lessons I learned during the preparation period for my TedX Talk. And if you apply these lessons to your own content, no matter what it is, you’ll quickly see that you can make almost any piece of content irresistible. So if you’re ready to learn the presentation secrets of a TedX speaker, make sure to give this episode a listen. In this episode you’ll learn: -Why every piece of content should be a performance. -The mistake most public speakers make. -How to make your content irresistible. -And much, much more. Enjoy!