Why Generosity is a Superpower w/ Dr. Nicole Roberts
A lot of people don't really understand generosity. It's looked at as something you do exclusively for others without gaining much benefit yourself. With this understanding of generosity, it's not surprising why many people don't find themselves being generous often. However, when you truly understand the power of generosity, you'll never look at life the same way again. Being generous has profound impacts on both the giver and receiver. And those who behave more generously often live more successful lives. Obviously, I'm big on generosity (I did a whole TedX talk on the subject). But I wanted to dive deep on the science of the subject so I decided to bring Dr. Nicole Roberts on today's episode. Dr. Roberts is the author of the new book "Generosity Wins". Her book covers every aspect of generosity and why if you want to have a satisfying life, it's a trait you need to cultivate. I'm really excited for this episode so make sure you give it a listen and take notes. In today's episode you'll learn: -Why generosity is a superpower. -How to be generous to yourself. -How the benefits of generosity compound over time. -And much, much more. Enjoy!