End your year right (by doing these 3 things)
The end of the year is right around the corner. Some people will take this time to celebrate and enjoy the holiday festivities. And while enjoying holiday time with your family is a great thing, you also must do other things if you want to start the new year on the right track. One of the most profound things I do every year is a year-end review. It's a time where I get away from all distractions, go to a beautiful place where I'm inspired, and reflect on the past year. This is a great time to lean into gratitude and reflect on the wins of the past year (we all have them, even if this year was tough). This is also a time where you can see what changes you need to make to make sure next year is even better. So if you want to make sure you start 2024 on the right foot, make sure to give this episode a listen. In this episode you'll learn: -How to do an end-year review. -The 3 things to focus on to make 2024 great. -The questions I ask myself to focus my review. -And much, much more. Enjoy!