Graham Cochrane (00:06.318)
If you need to boost your revenue this week, you're in the right place. I've got three stupid easy ways to make more money fast and these aren't complicated strategies that take months to see results. I'm talking about simple, actionable moves you can make today that could put extra cash in your pocket by the end of the week. And the best part, anyone can do this. So stick around, especially because tip number three is like finding money hidden in plain sight. Let's dive in.
Graham Cochrane (00:51.128)
So while my general philosophy of business is that it takes time to build true wealth, to build systems, to build a lead gen machine, to build trust, to have the right offer stack that creates an incredible income that's sustainable, that doesn't take a lot of work to keep humming along, there are ways to make money fast. And these aren't gonna be the things that solve all your problems, but if you are short on cash,
please don't do what most people do, which is run a flash sale. Okay, that's just, that's the cheat code and it works until it doesn't, right? It's like drinking coffee, cause it gives you a boost until one coffee doesn't do it, then you need two and the two doesn't do it and the three. And if you don't like coffee, replace Red Bull or Celsius or whatever it is, right? You adapt. And so the same thing happens with those sort of like, I'm gonna run a sale real quick. I'm gonna hit my list up. I'm gonna put something up for sale.
Yes, you can eject cash quickly. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about actual sustainable tactics that will help your business grow long term that will not only make money this week, but forever. So these aren't gonna be the problem solver for all your income needs, but they're gonna boost your income this week. And the best part is they're not gonna burn you out or your list out and they run perpetually forever. There's so much.
future potential from these money making endeavors. So this is kind of like a no brainer, low hanging fruit for you. Hopefully you're doing at least one or two of these. Maybe you're not doing all three and my hope is that after today's episode, you'll walk away with at least one actionable thing you can do to go make extra revenue this week. I'm talking about in the next seven days, okay? Are you ready? And please stick around for number three because I think especially if you've been around for a while, number three is gonna help you tremendously.
But you should do all three. Number one, put your offer in prime real estate. And when I say prime real estate, I'm talking about unused real estate, okay? There is so much unused digital real estate that you're not taking advantage of. So you might have your courses or your coaching or your services for sale on your website. You might have a couple of ads running.
Graham Cochrane (03:11.339)
You might mention your offer sometime on social media, but did you know that there are three often unused wide open pieces of digital real estate that your customers and prospects see every single day that you're not using, that you could be putting an offer in. Let's walk through those. Number one, lead magnet thank you pages. I've been saying this for years, but if you have a lead magnet, something like a PDF guide or
even a video class or a downloadable of some kind where it's a free thing that you're offering them in exchange for their email address. We call this a lead magnet. And typically they put in their information, they join your email list, and then they're taken to a thank you page that says, thanks so much, we just emailed you your guide. Well, friend, this is prime real estate because 100 out of 100 of your leads that opt in will see this page.
Guaranteed they go there instantly and then you don't do anything there. You just send them away to their inbox this is a prime place to make them an offer and I don't care what kind of offer you put here. This could be a low ticket offer That's a traditional have something that's very affordable 17 to 49 dollars depending on what industry you're in and says hey Thanks so much. Your guide is in the your inbox check it in a minute. By the way, I've got something really cool for you You could do a video it could be text
It's a, hey, check your inbox plus if you wanna go deeper, I've got something cool and it's low cost, they could buy something and then you turn them from a lead into a buyer, even if it's a low cost purchase because now that psychologically they're in a different place and have a different relationship with you if they're a buyer. So it could be a low ticket offer. It can be your full fledged course. You can put them up to a sales page. Like hey, at the top, little hello bar, like I emailed you your guide, check this out and it could be an entire sales page for like a flagship course. It could be,
apply to work with me for coaching or apply for my services. It could be, hey, I'm hosting an event in three months. Come to the event, check out the details here. I mean, you can do whatever you want here, but don't miss this opportunity to put an offer in front of 100 % of your leads that opt in right there on the thank you page. And you might have different ones for different lead magnets, or you can have a generic
Graham Cochrane (05:35.342)
Thank you page that you send all your lead magnets to with generic language or check your inbox, I just sent you your free gift. Check this thing out. But this is prime digital real estate. So put an offer there and by virtue of just having it there, you are going to make more money this week. Number two digital real estate space that people miss use or don't use at all is pinned comments on YouTube videos. This is crazy to me. Did you know that if you're a YouTuber, you can pin a comment? Why would you do that? Well,
because it's to draw attention to whatever you want to draw attention to. You can put links in your description, but no one's gonna see them unless they're a weirdo and they open it up and wanna read everything inside the description. That's not typically how people use YouTube. They scroll, they're looking at it their phone, even if they're watching on a desktop, they're just watching the videos and moving on. And they see the first couple lines of the description. So you can either put a link to your offer, a course, coaching, whatever,
at the top of your description so they least see it before the show more line and or once your video is published, you can drop a comment with some kind of emoji or something that says, hey, join my group coaching program. Hey, get this incredible course that I have. Hey, come to this event that I'm doing, whatever and have any kind of link you want away from YouTube and you comment and then you click the three dots and pin it, which means it'll be at the very top of all the comments.
And depending on what it looks like on mobile, it might even be right below the video so they don't even see the other descriptions or comments or any other videos. It's like right there is like, this is the thing I wanna draw attention to. Put your offer, assuming it's relevant, right in front of them as they're watching your YouTube videos. Remember, I've talked about this before. Your content is a trust funnel. If you're a YouTuber, you're building trust in the video, hopefully. So why not put an offer right there so they can buy something from you right.
there after you build trust with them. So pin comment on YouTube videos is number two. And then finally, for this first tip for making more money by taking advantage of this prime real estate is the PS of your emails. If you are a good little boy or girl, you are sending emails to your list every single week. You're sending them your free content or you're sending them additional free content. You're just nurturing them. You're just adding value so that they are being trained that when they get an email from you,
Graham Cochrane (07:57.258)
It's good stuff, they wanna open it. This is very important because then if you ever wanna send them an offer, you need to have them conditioned to like your emails and your emails better be good and not spammy all the time. So if you're doing that and you're sending them an email, do you know one of the best places to put an offer is in the PS of your emails? For two reasons. One, a lot of times people scan or skim emails and they skip to the bottom. It's interesting.
psychology of how people read emails, but a lot of times they skip to the bottom to see if there's a PS because it's kind of like a, here's the summary of the email or here's the main point or the main call to action. Put offers there. Also, the PS makes sense if your video or your email content inside the email is so good that they've read it, they're like, that's good, that's good, that's good. You add value, you build trust, your email becomes a trust funnel.
then that's a logical place to ask for something in return. You've just given them so much value, why not casually sign off your friend Graham, your coach Graham, PS. If you're looking to make money from YouTube, you should check out my YouTube income accelerator course that helps you take your small YouTube channel and turbocharge it to make more money in your business. Or if you're looking to join an incredible group,
of six and seven figure entrepreneurs who want mentorship, coaching, and they want to build a more effortless business, you should check out my group coaching program, the Effortless Business Accelerator. Those are two of my offers, by the way. But put those in the PS of an email after you've added value, they're gonna be like, huh, I didn't know he had a group coaching offer. I didn't know he had a course on YouTube. I'm gonna check that out. Click.
You've got them there. They're reading the email. You're already adding value. You know who does this really well is Rich Litvin. He's a brilliant coach. I've had him on the podcast, worked with him in the past. But if you go opt into his email list and just, I he sends a ton of value if you're a coach doing coaching. That's like his sweet spot. He's a master at this. He generally has four to five offers in his PS and they're just so effortless. Like it's, he's added a ton of value in his weekly email.
Graham Cochrane (10:08.277)
It's like a blog post, it's super valuable, super actionable, and then the PS is just so natural, like dude, yeah, I really should check out that program. I really should hire him to be my coach. I really should come to one of his events. The PS of your emails is prime real estate. So this is tip number one, is make sure you put your offer in those three places. Put an offer on your thank you pages for all your lead magnets, pin comments on YouTube videos, and the PS of your email list. You will.
Instantly make more money. Will everybody buy? No, that's not the point. But more people will buy because you have the offer in more places that prime visibility is prime visibility. So put the offers there, please. You'll make more money. Hopefully that was an unlock for somebody. Number two, way to make stupid easy money this week. When you offer something, offer more at the point of sale. This kills me.
that most people I know, if they have an offer like for your course, or your coaching, or whatever, I go to the sales page, I click buy, I'm taken to a checkout page, I enter my credit card information, I buy it, and they say thank you, and that's it. Why in the world would you not offer me more stuff at the point of sale? Every other business in the world does this. When I go to the grocery store, and I have my bread, and my eggs, and my milk, and they're going boop, boop, ringing me out, what is right in front of me?
gum, candy, magazines, maybe lottery tickets, I don't Newspapers, it's all right there. Mints, those are called order bumps. Little teeny things, you're like, yeah, throw some gum on that. yeah, I do need that magazine. those recipes look great. man, I could go for a Snickers bar right now. It's just a little light thing.
It's right in front of you. You can grab it if you want. No one's even selling it hard. It's called an order bump. If you use a tool like Kajabi, and I recommend you do if you're an online business owner, if you don't have Kajabi, should check out slash Kajabi, K-A-J-A-B-I. I'll get you a 30 day free trial, and I'm gonna send you two free courses, one immediately when you sign up for using the free trial link, and a second one on how to write sales copy effortlessly.
Graham Cochrane (12:29.293)
if you become a paying member of Kajabi, but go play with it. Check it out, slash Kajabi. It is an affiliate link, so part of your payment comes back to support my channel, but at no cost to you, so it's a pretty cool deal. But if you're a Kajabi user, one of the greatest things about Kajabi is order bumps are built into your checkout page. So you have to add one. You go to your checkout page for any of your offers, you have to add an order bump, and it's a little checkbox, and you get about a paragraph to write some copy about what you want for any of your other offers, make it low cost, and they just...
check that box if they also wanna add it to their order. They don't have to go anywhere, they don't have to enter their credit card again, they just like, yeah, that sounds good, add that to my order. It's like throwing gum or Snickers bar onto the conveyor belt. So order bumps, everyone does this everywhere you go at point of checkout. Also, number two, upsells, and I do mean multiple upsells. So for example, you go to a restaurant,
You go there to buy dinner, let's say, with your loved one. You and your bride are gonna go have dinner. You and your husband, you and your boyfriend, you your girlfriend, you're gonna go have a beautiful dinner. That's what I'm going out to dinner. That's the offer you wanna buy is dinner at this nice restaurant. But do they only offer you dinner? No. They offer you dinner. Here's the whole menu, take a look at our dinner. But they'll point out, would you like to start with an appetizer? One of our starters, perhaps? Upsell.
Would you like to see the cocktail menu? Our drink of the day is upsell. After your meal, would you like to see the dessert menu? We some coffee, a couple of great desserts, upsell. People wanna buy the dinner, but they get upsold starters, drinks, and desserts. Those are called upsells. And simply put, an upsell is, hey, I'm so glad you bought this. Would you also like this other thing? So typically,
I'm putting in my credit card information to buy your thing. There's an order bump, hopefully, because you listen to Uncle Graham and you're gonna add something low cost to my order, which is just gonna add extra revenue like effortlessly. Typically, if you do a good order bump, 25 % of the people are gonna go for it. So if you got an extra $30 thing on your checkout thing and 25 % of your people buy it, you're just making money doing nothing. So I bought your order bump. And then as soon as I click purchase, it takes me to a single page that says, hey, I'm so glad you bought this. It's gonna be amazing. A lot of my best students
Graham Cochrane (14:52.654)
also like this program I have. It does this, this, and this. I would love to offer it to you at a discount since you're buying this today. A little video. Would you like to add that to your order? And there's just two options. Yes, add it to my order, one click. I don't have to do anything else or type in my credit card again. Or no thanks, take me to my purchase. It's as simple as that. That's an upsell. An upsell, I'm using that term generally. I'm including cross-sells as well. Cross-sells are a similar price. Upsell is a more expensive thing.
but you should have two upsells for every offer. They buy something, would you like this as well? Yes or no, no problem. What about this, would you like this as well? Yes or no, no problem. And then take them to the thank you page. Historically, you can double your income at the point of purchase just by having an order bump and two upsells. Depending on the price point and if it's an attractive offer to your audience, this is such easy money.
You already have offers. You can pull parts out of offers. You can offer some of your best products at a discount because they're only gonna see it when they buy something. So it's like a, because you bought this, I would love to offer you this course for $100 off or $400 off depending on the price point. There's infinite things you can do. You don't have to go out and create new stuff. I'm talking about look at what you already have, repurpose or reimagine and get creative and create one order bump, two upsells and the number three,
for offering more at the point of sale is the thank you page after the purchase. Because again, what is something that 100 % of your customers will see when they purchase it? A thank you page after they purchase. Hopefully you have a thank you page, otherwise it might just redirect them to their library to see your course, but you can create a simple landing page in Kajabi or whatever you use and then make your offer point to that page as a thank you page. That is a great final place to have a video of you thanking them for buying the thing.
telling them it's gonna be amazing, they can click on the button to go to their library to dive in right away, but you wanted to offer them one more thing. And typically this is a great place for something really high ticket where they have to apply for like coaching one-on-one with you or your group coaching or an event you're doing or some kind of crazy bundle offer you wanna offer them. If you do this right, it does not feel like you're hounding them. This is usually what people are like, I don't wanna bug them.
Graham Cochrane (17:11.617)
what are we doing here guys? This is not about every other industry you go in, every other store you go to, look at the registers, look at, there's stuff everywhere for you to buy and oftentimes the stuff they don't mention are the order bumps that you just see them, you're like, that would be good. But then oftentimes they're gonna offer you at least one other thing. Would you like to become a member and save 10 % on all future orders? That's an upsell because they want you to pay something to lock in membership so you get a discount. Would you like to add this to our order?
Right now we're running a special on this I would love to tell you about. Is it something you're interested in? It's a simple question. Would you like, would you like, would you like? Those three words take away all the pressure of selling. Would you like another cocktail, Mr. Cochran? Yes, yes, I would like one. An old-fashioned please or maybe a Manhattan. Would you like to see the dessert menu? Of course I would like to see the dessert menu. I was probably not going to unless you said something because I'm trying to watch my figure and I don't try to watch the budget. But then you said, would you like? And I said, I would like.
It's so like innocuous. So just think of it as an offer at a restaurant. You're a server. You're serving them by making sure that they've got everything they want or can need. You've got other great stuff that could blow their minds, that could change their worlds. Why hide it? Why hide it? Bring it up. Would you like? Would you like? And assume most people say no, thank you. That's great. But you're looking for the 25 to 40 % of the people that will say, yes, I would like. I would like to see the dessert menu.
Yes, I would like another drink. Yes, I would like those mozzarella sticks with the marinara sauce, even though I'm going to be full before my meal comes. I just would like that. Right? Would you like? order bumps, upsells, and the thank you page after purchase. Offer more at the point of sale. Whew, preaching today. All right. And number three, this is wild to me. And I want to tell you two stories.
One I want to give credit and then one I want to tell you story.
Graham Cochrane (19:12.077)
Here's, I'll just give you the tip and then I'm gonna break it down and give you a real life example of how this works. Number three tip to make extra money this week is to offer more to your top customers. Just reach out to your top customers and offer them more. And specifically, I was in a mastermind weekend with Brendan Bouchard and about seven other incredible Kajabi entrepreneurs. Kajabi put on this incredible event we got to go to out in Napa Valley. And so it was incredible and it was just
a rich moment to spend time with really cool people. I always love any kind of mastermind experience. But then to have that kind of intimate experience with Brendan, who's a nine figure entrepreneur and sort of a legend in our space and one of the good guys in our industry. I had the privilege and honor of speaking on the same stage as him at the Kajabi Hero live event in October in LA and I met him in the green room. He had just finished speaking and I was about to go on. So we met briefly, but I got to spend some more time with him in Napa.
And one of things he just threw out that was like, dude, that's a no brainer is like, hey man, just take a look in your Kajabi backend at lifetime value. You can look at all your customers ranked by LTV lifetime value, meaning how much money have they spent with you? Period. And you can look at your top 100 customers or top 20 or top whatever, and you can rank them. You can see who your most loyal customer is based on how much money they spent with you. And you can look at your top 100 or whatever. And I was like, that's no brainer. Just look at your top LTV customers.
and then offer them more. Look at how much they've spent with you. So for example, I was looking at mine, my top 100 customers, the bottom section of the top 100, the average or the LTV they've spent with me is over $2,500. So these people have spent, maybe it's over a couple years in a membership, maybe they bought a few courses, but they've spent $2,500, right?
and then I have an LTV, my top customer has spent $75,000 with me. So I've got a list of 100 people that have spent between $2,500 and $75,000 and you can sort of see where the clumps of people are. Those are people that would likely spend more money with me. Same thing for you. Your top customers would likely spend more money with you. So why not reach out to them and offer them something that they haven't bought yet?
Graham Cochrane (21:33.834)
Offer them something premium. If they've spent $500 with you, offer them something else for 500 bucks. If they spent $1,000 with you, offer them something else for 1,000 bucks. Or offer them something that's 2X what they've spent with you. Invite them up, call them higher, right? Someone that's bought all your courses, invite them to do coaching with you, right? There's two things going on here. One, you're reaching out to a very warm list. This is not your email list of just prospects. This is not your whole customer list of people that have bought a thing. These are your
top customers that have spent good money with you. So you know they're very, very warm. So conversion's gonna be high. Number two, they would love to hear from you, especially if you send them a personalized message, which you should, with their name, little something about them, message them on Instagram, whatever you got, personalized message. They just would love to hear from you because they actually like you. They've spent money with you. So it's gonna be a bit of a compliment for them. So they're already a warm lead, and then you reaching out is a really, really nice touch.
And then number three, you have more to offer them and you might as well offer it to those people because they're the people that are action takers. They've spent multiple amounts of dollars with you, probably bought multiple offers. Probably you're the people that are getting the best results as well. So they're gonna be the ones that take advantage of your offers the best. And the data tells us that it's 16 times easier to convert an existing customer into an offer than a non-customer. One of my clients,
I've been working with him for a couple of months and we're researching his business from having a lot of launches and promotions and stuff to being more evergreen, which is one of the big things I teach. It's a big part of having an effortless business. And so we're cutting off the dopamine hit for him of running promos all the time. With that is the risk that if I don't run the promo, I don't make as much money. And so his January was coming to a close and he was like, man, I'm like not making as much money as I thought it was.
I'm trying not to send a promo because I'm trying to be good student Graham and not do these promos and we're working on getting his business more evergreen with all these things we've talked about upsells, cross sells, thank you pages, selling more places, more evergreen, more effortless. But the revenue is a little down this month and he was getting nervous. And so I was like, bro, just do the LTV thing, right? Do what Brendan was telling us. Just pull up your top 100, reach out to them.
Graham Cochrane (23:59.094)
and offer them something. And one of his premium offers, something we call a magic offer, was this really cool coaching experience that he created for $6,000. And so he basically reached out, I think, to 20 people and offered all 20 of them this $6,000 offer. And within two hours, one guy bought it.
So he instantly added six grand that month without a big promo, without a big hype, just reaching out to good people that already like him, that already have spent a lot of money with him, some for over 15 years, and offered them something premium and not all of them would want it or could afford it, but he offered to all of them and one person gave him six grand. You are sitting on a gold mine. Famous words, the first few words in my first book, how to get paid for what you know.
That is true in the context of that book, it's also true in the context of your customer list and not just your customer list, but your top 100, your top 20 to 100 from LTV customers. Look at that list, see how much they've spent with you and reach out to them and offer them something premium, offer them something more, offer them something new. If you have nothing new, offer to work with them one on one. Make up a coaching package, charge what you're worth and see if somebody takes you up on it. You can instantly infuse cash to your business. This week, just send
20 to 100 emails this week to your top 20 to 100 customers, I guarantee you you'll make one sale.
Simple as that. Offer more to your top customers. Let's review this. These things are stupid easy and hopefully you're doing at least one or two of these, but a lot of my clients and customers aren't doing any of them. Put your offer where you have prime real estate.
Graham Cochrane (25:48.448)
All kinds of unused real estate, stuff on your site that people see every day and you're not putting an offer in front of them. Number two, offer more when they buy something at the point of sale. Don't just offer them the one thing, put other offers in front of them. You can set these things up once and they automatically offer to everybody and you'll convert some. And then number three, offer more to your top customers. Look at your top LTV and just hit them up today. Do that today. You can make a sale today and you're hooking up your best people with your best stuff.
Let's go. So let me ask you, which of these three are you not doing and need to start doing? And it could be all three, that's fine. If you're watching on YouTube, leave a comment below. Which of these three are you gonna implement this week? Just pick one. I mean, if you're awesome, do all three. You'll make more money. It's fun. It's like finding hidden money. But literally, tell me below in a comment, and if you're listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, just stop and think.
Which one of these three are you gonna implement this week? You can literally add revenue to your business this week without any effort. Just pick one, do it, and then let me know how it goes for you. Sound good? All right, my friend. I hope this was helpful for you. If it was, let me know. Review the show, wherever you review these shows. Let me know what you're liking in the content. I'm here to serve you. Every week I wanna serve you, so let me know what else you wanna see, what else you wanna hear.
I'm here to help you win with your business this year. All right, my friend, have an amazing rest of your week. Thanks for tuning in and I'll see you on next week's episode.