The 52 Book Challenge

Join me as I read 52 books this year (one book a week). Below is my current reading list for 2024 broken up into categories. I will be adding to this list throughout the year as I get to the total of 52. Feel free to read the same books as me or use them as inspiration to create your own reading list!


  1. Atomic Habits (James Clear)
  2. The Energy Bus (Jon Gordon)
  3. The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy)
  4. Miracle Morning (Hal Elrod)
  5. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
  6. The Power of Ignorance (Dave Trott)
  7. Be Useful (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
  8. The Dip (Seth Godin)
  9. The Gap & The Gain (Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy)


  1. Psycho-Cybernetics (Maxwell Maltz)
  2. The One Truth (Jon Gordon)
  3. Mindshift (Erwin McManus)
  4. The Big Leap (Gay Hendricks)
  5. Mind Your Mindset (Michael Hyatt)
  6. Man’s Search For Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
  7. The 5 Second Rule (Mel Robbins)


  1. The Go Giver (Bob Burg & Jon David Mann)
  2. Building a Storybrand (Donald Miller)
  3. $100 Million Dollar Offers (Alex Hormozi)
  4. Perennial Seller (Ryan Holiday)
  5. Tribe of Millionaires (Mike McCarthy & Pat Hiban)
  6. 10x Is Easier Than 2x (Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy)


  1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)
  2. The Psychology of Money (Morgan Housel)
  3. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (Jack Bogle)
  4. Die With Zero (Bill Perkins)


  1. Sleep Smarter (Shawn Stevenson)
  2. The Blue Zone Secrets for Living Longer (Dan Buettner)
  3. You, Happier (Daniel Amen)


  1. The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriages (Marcus Warner & Chris Coursey)
  2. Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters (Meg Meeker)
  3. The 5 Love Languages (Gary Chapman)
  4. The Go-Giver Marriage (John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann) 


  1. The Reason for God (Timothy Keller)
  2. Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
  3. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (John Mark Comer)
  4. If You Will Ask (Oswald Chambers)


  1. The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication (John Maxwell)
  2. How To Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)
  3. The Art of Persuasion (Bob Burg)
  4. The Like Switch (Jack Schafer)
  5. Write Useful Books (Rob Fitzpatrick)