Encouragement is the superpower to life and business (with Jordan Montgomery)

In this conversation, Graham and Jordan discuss the power of encouragement and its impact on personal and professional relationships. They explore the concept of encouragement as a transformational tool and how it can make people feel empowered and motivated. Jordan shares his personal journey and how he fell into the work of coaching and encouraging others. They also discuss the 10 arts of encouragement, with a focus on the art of character encouragement and the importance of recognizing and praising someone for who they are, not just what they do. The conversation explores three key arts of encouragement: praising who someone is, elevating encouragement, and authentic encouragement. Praising who someone is involves focusing on their character and qualities rather than just their accomplishments. Elevating encouragement means actively promoting and supporting others, whether through social media, reviews, or nominations for awards. Authentic encouragement involves being genuine and specific in our praise, sharing stories and examples to show that we truly care. The conversation emphasizes the importance of being present and intentional in our encouragement, and reminds us that we all have room for growth in this area.


00:00 Introduction: The Power of Encouragement

16:09 Chapter 1: The Art of Character Encouragement

21:53 The Art of Praising Who Someone Is

23:25 The Art of Elevating Encouragement

30:53 The Art of Authentic Encouragement

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